160 research outputs found

    Effect of Imperceptible Vibratory Noise Applied to Wrist Skin On Fingertip Touch Evoked Potentials – An EEG Study

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    Random vibration applied to skin can change the sense of touch. Specifically, low amplitude white-noise vibration can improve fingertip touch perception. In fact, fingertip touch sensation can improve even when imperceptible random vibration is applied to other remote upper extremity areas such as wrist, dorsum of the hand, or forearm. As such, vibration can be used to manipulate sensory feedback and improve dexterity, particularly during neurological rehabilitation. Nonetheless, the neurological bases for remote vibration enhanced sensory feedback are yet poorly understood. This study examined how imperceptible random vibration applied to the wrist changes cortical activity for fingertip sensation. We measured somatosensory evoked potentials to assess peak-to-peak response to light touch of the index fingertip with applied wrist vibration versus without. We observed increased peak-to-peak somatosensory evoked potentials with wrist vibration, especially with increased amplitude of the later component for the somatosensory, motor, and premotor cortex with wrist vibration. These findings corroborate an enhanced cortical-level sensory response motivated by vibration. It is possible that the cortical modulation observed here is the result of the establishment of transient networks for improved perception

    Quantitative MRI in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy: relationship with surgical outcomes

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    Medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) remains a serious health problem. Across treatment centers, up to 40% of patients with TLE will continue to experience persistent postoperative seizures at 2-year follow-up. It is unknown why such a large number of patients continue to experience seizures despite being suitable candidates for resective surgery. Preoperative quantitative MRI techniques may provide useful information on why some patients continue to experience disabling seizures, and may have the potential to develop prognostic markers of surgical outcome. In this article, we provide an overview of how quantitative MRI morphometric and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data have improved the understanding of brain structural alterations in patients with refractory TLE. We subsequently review the studies that have applied quantitative structural imaging techniques to identify the neuroanatomical factors that are most strongly related to a poor postoperative prognosis. In summary, quantitative imaging studies strongly suggest that TLE is a disorder affecting a network of neurobiological systems, characterized by multiple and inter-related limbic and extra-limbic network abnormalities. The relationship between brain alterations and postoperative outcome are less consistent, but there is emerging evidence suggesting that seizures are less likely to remit with surgery when presurgical abnormalities are observed in the connectivity supporting brain regions serving as network nodes located outside the resected temporal lobe. Future work, possibly harnessing the potential from multimodal imaging approaches, may further elucidate the etiology of persistent postoperative seizures in patients with refractory TLE. Furthermore, quantitative imaging techniques may be explored to provide individualized measures of postoperative seizure freedom outcome

    Localizing lesion locations to predict extent of aphasia recovery

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    Extensive research has related specific lesion locations to language impairment in aphasia. However, far less work has focused on the patterns of brain damage that predict prognosis in aphasia. The current study examined brain damage as a predictor of language recovery in acute patients with aphasia caused by stroke. Damage to the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG) and left pars triangularis predicted poor recovery of speech production and MTG damage predicted less recovery of speech comprehension. These findings suggest that brain changes associated with language recovery rely on preservation and recruitment of the aforementioned areas in the left hemisphere

    Astrocitoma pilocítico pós-radioterapia para tratamento de craniofaringioma: relato de caso

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    Administration of fractionated doses of irradiation is part of the adjutant therapy for CNS tumours such as craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas. It can maximise cure rates or expand symptom-free period. Among the adverse effects of radiotherapy, the induction of a new tumour within the irradiated field has been frequently described. The precise clinical features that correlate irradiation and oncogenesis are not completely defined, but some authors have suggested that tumors are radiation induced when they are histologically different from the treated ones, arise in greater frequency in irradiated patients than among normal population and tend to occur in younger people with an unusual aggressiveness. In this article, we report a case of a papillary astrocytoma arising in a rather unusual latency period following radiotherapy for craniopharyngioma.A administração de doses fracionadas de radiação é parte do tratamento adjuvante de tumores do sistema nervoso central como craniofaringiomas ou adenomas hipofisários. A radioterapia pode aumentar as chances de cura ou expandir o período livre de sintomas. Dentre seus efeitos adversos, é conhecida a possibilidade de aparecimento de novo tumor na região irradiada. Os critérios que definem se um novo tumor é de fato induzido por radiação ainda não são completamente definidos. Adimite-se, no entanto, que se o novo tumor é histologicamente diferente do primeiro, aparece em indivíduos mais jovens e é mais agressivo que o habitual, provavelmente sua origem é devida à oncogênese da irradiação. Descrevemos um caso de astrocitoma pilocítico possivelmente induzido por radioterapia, com surgimento em tempo de latência inesperadamente curto.73173

    Oftalmoplegia internuclear bilateral e fratura de clivus após traumatismo cranioencefálico: relato de caso

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    Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a remarkable finding, particularly in patients victims of head injury. The medial longitudinal fasciculus, which is believed to be lesioned in cases of internuclear ophthalmoplegia, has an unique brain stem position and the mechanism involved in brain stem contusions implies a maximal intensity of shearing forces on the skull base. We describe a very rare association of bilateral ophthalmoplegia and clivus fracture following head injury, without further neurological signs. The patient history, his physical examination and the image investigation provide additional evidence to some of the mechanisms of injury proposed to explain post-traumatic internuclear ophthalmoplegia.Oftalmoplegia internuclear é um interessante achado clínico, sobretudo em pacientes vítimas de trauma cranioencefálico. O fascículo longitudinal medial, cuja lesão é responsável pelas alterações observadas na oftalmoplegia internuclear, localiza-se no interior do tronco encefálico. O acúmulo de forças de impacto geradas pelo traumatismo craniano na base do crânio é responsável pela formação de contusões no tronco encefálico. Descrevemos um caso em que se observa rara associação entre oftalmoplegia internuclear bilateral e fratura de clivus em um paciente com traumatismo cranioencefálico leve, sem outras anormalidades neurológicas. A história, o exame físico e a investigação imagenológica do paciente proporcionam evidências adicionais para alguns dos mecanismos propostos para explicar oftamoplegia pós-traumática.63663

    Imaging Features And Treatment Of An Intradural Lumbar Cystic Schwannoma.

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    Spinal schwannomas are frequently observed among patients treated in a reference neurosurgery center. Cystic spinal schwannomas, however, are very scantly found. Due to its indolent behavior and benign course, the diagnosis of schwannomas may pose a challenge to the care giver, and the imaging findings can be misleading. In this article, we illustrate an example of a pauci-symptomatic 55 year-old male patient whose complaint was solely a non specific lumbar pain. Investigation revealed a large cystic lesion comprising the lower lumbar intradural space. He was then treated with microneurosurgical technique involving complete removal of the tumor and reconstruction of the dura mater. Histological and immunohistochemical diagnosis were consistent with cystic schwannoma. The patient presented with complete recovery of his symptom. In this article we aim to emphasize the clinical presentation and treatment of lumbar spine schwannomas, and to illustrate the imaging findings within this uncommon case.63681-

    Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for treatment outcome prediction in patients with epilepsy based on structural connectome data

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate machine learning algorithms aimed at predicting surgical treatment outcomes in groups of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) using only the structural brain connectome. Specifically, the brain connectome is reconstructed using white matter fiber tracts from presurgical diffusion tensor imaging. To achieve our objective, a two-stage connectome-based prediction framework is developed that gradually selects a small number of abnormal network connections that contribute to the surgical treatment outcome, and in each stage a linear kernel operation is used to further improve the accuracy of the learned classifier. Using a 10-fold cross validation strategy, the first stage in the connectome-based framework is able to separate patients with TLE from normal controls with 80% accuracy, and second stage in the connectome-based framework is able to correctly predict the surgical treatment outcome of patients with TLE with 70% accuracy. Compared to existing state-of-the-art methods that use VBM data, the proposed two-stage connectome-based prediction framework is a suitable alternative with comparable prediction performance. Our results additionally show that machine learning algorithms that exclusively use structural connectome data can predict treatment outcomes in epilepsy with similar accuracy compared with "expert-based" clinical decision. In summary, using the unprecedented information provided in the brain connectome, machine learning algorithms may uncover pathological changes in brain network organization and improve outcome forecasting in the context of epilepsy

    Cisto pilonidal no crânio: relato de caso

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    Pilonidal cysts and sinuses are described as dermoid cysts which contain follicles of hairs and sebaceous glands. They clinically present as a classic case of inflammation which comes with pain, local infection and redness. The origin of pilonidal disease remains controverse. There are many hypothesis as lack of hygiene on the affected area and a penetration and growth of a hair in the subcutaneus tissue caused by constant friction or direct trauma on the damaged area. The option for clinical treatment is very frequent. However, taking into consideration the incidence and the possibility of recidive, surgical treatment is presently recommended. Complications include cellulitis and abscess formation. Pilonidal cysts are mostly found on the sacral region. In the literature is found description of pilonidal cysts on the penis, interdigital region on the hands as well as on the cervical region. We present a case of pilonidal cyst located on the vault biparietal region, without malignant degeneration.Cistos ou seios pilonidais são descritos como cistos dermóides que contêm folículos pilosos, pêlos e glândulas sebáceas. Clinicamente se manifestam com quadro inflamatório clássico traduzido por dor, tumefação local e vermelhidão. A etiopatogenia dos cistos pilonidais permanece controversa. Há várias hipóteses dentre as quais a falta de higiene local e a penetração e crescimento de pêlo no tecido subcutâneo geralmente causado por atrito constante ou trauma sobre o local. A opção pelo tratamento conservador é frequente. Contudo, levando-se em consideração a incidência e a possibilidade de recidivas, esta patologia tem hoje sido tratada cirurgicamente. As complicações comuns do cisto pilonidal incluem celulite, formação de abscesso e recorrência do cisto após o tratamento. Cistos pilonidais são quase na totalidade das vezes encontrados na região sacro-coccígea. Encontramos na literatura descrição de cistos pilonidais no pênis, na região interdigital das mãos e região cervical. Apresentamos um caso de cisto pilonidal de localização biparietal no crânio, sem degeneração maligna.27327